So, you are in a leadership position or are shooting for one and have no idea where to begin. While being a leader is something we can all strive for, it is not a skill that comes naturally to everyone. Becoming a great leader takes hard work, learning from leadership mistakes, and self-awareness.
Wasatch ActionCOACH wants to help maximize the leadership skills you already possess and work to improve problem areas that may lead you down a bad leadership path. Here are 10 leadership mistakes to avoid and a little about how you can overcome them.
1- Avoiding Conflict
Many of us want to avoid confrontation and don’t want to approach someone who is doing something wrong. Avoiding conflict is high on the list of leadership mistakes and will cause more problems in your company. If conflict is causing contention between employees or you and an employee, it needs to be addressed and handled in order for the business to run smoothly.
Avoiding conflict just masks the problem and is one of the biggest leadership mistakes. Try to be more open and help employees or team members feel comfortable coming to you with issues. A good leader will work to address the problem fairly and avoid setting a tone of chaos.
2- Not Offering Employee Feedback
Open communication with your employees helps to promote growth and employee retention. Humans want to know that they are doing a good job and that their superior has recognized their hard work.
You can help create an environment of continuous feedback, or schedule one on one time with employees to go over things that they have done well, or where they could improve. Employees without feedback may feel unappreciated or doubt their strength. Set clear times for feedback and stick to them.
3- Not Having Faith In Your Abilities
Earning a leadership position usually doesn’t just get dropped in your lap, someone else saw your potential and skills and trusted your judgment. If you are constantly second-guessing yourself, this can rub off on your employees, causing a loss of trust. Being a leader can be intimidating, but continue to believe in yourself and work to improve. Having faith in your abilities is the only way to be successful.
4- Saying One Thing And Doing Another
You will need to be a role model for those you oversee. Once you set expectations, you should stick to them. If you have a rule for your employees, you should follow that rule too. If you want employees to follow you and help the company to stand out, lead by example. The old saying goes “practice what you preach.”

5- Hiring The Wrong People
Doing a quick hiring process because you are desperate for someone just leads to bigger problems down the road. Hiring someone unqualified for the job will have you right back in the thick of the hiring process. Take some time to define the perfect employee for the job, someone who is hard working and aligns with the mission of the company.
Sometimes it can take a while to find the right person. You will want them to get along with others in the company and have integrity. Be patient and look for ways to weed out those who would not be a good fit.
6- Being A Control Freak
But the business is your baby and no one can run it as you can! For something to grow, you have to let it go. Micromanaging your team will only create a miserable environment for everyone. Trusting that your team knows what they are doing and have the skills will help you avoid being a control freak. Avoiding this leadership mistake will help teams to run smoother, help your employees be more productive, and build trust between you and your employees. Micromanaging may even cause you to lose high-quality employees over frustration.
7- Lacking Self-Awareness
One of the common mistakes that leaders can make is to put blinders on and stop looking at what their decisions are doing to the company. Being a leader does not mean we know the best solutions 100% of the time. Being self-aware helps you to notice what actions worked and what didn’t.
As a leader, you should be aware of the employee’s work, but also aware of where you stand and how you are handling your responsibilities. Are you communicating? Is there a course or book that you could learn more from? Are you asking for help when needed? A good leader notices their blindspots and works through them, before pointing them out in others.
8- Getting Hooked On A Title
One of the worst leadership mistakes is to let the title and power go to your head. In reality, the title doesn’t mean much, especially to those who are true leaders who display it before they have a title. You should care about your list of responsibilities more than the title that hangs on your door.

9- Taking The Credit, Not The Blame
A major complaint of employees is that a manager is the first to take credit for a joint effort and success, but pushes blame down the ladder when things don’t go to plan. As a leader, you should be able to take the blame if your idea was not successful. Effective leaders give credit where credit is due. This fosters morale and allows employees to do more tasks when they know they will be recognized.
If you have done something well, take credit for it, but make sure your employees get credit for their contributions too.
10- Not Delegating
Once in a leadership position, managers and leaders assume they need to do everything themselves, but these leadership mistakes can be avoided. Delegating tasks can be a great leadership tactic when done correctly. When you delegate, it helps the staff to have the opportunity to see the bigger picture and help the company. The truth is that you can not carry the whole company on your back, so share the load.
Avoid Leadership Mistakes With Wasatch ActionCOACH
Our team at Wasatch ActionCOACH wants to help you make the most of the leadership skills you already have. Leadership mistakes are avoidable if you make an effort to improve your thinking.
Research has shown that leadership coaching results in more effective leaders who also have higher job satisfaction. When employees have authentic leadership, they are more driven and feel motivated to stay loyal to a company. Unlock your full potential as a leader with our coaching. Contact Wasatch ActionCOACH in Kaysville, UT today and avoid common leadership mistakes in your business.