Building a great team starts well before you actually recruit the team. The very first step in building a great team is building a great company that attracts and inspires great people. We like to say, “You get the employees you deserve.” If you build an average company, you get average employees. And you’re likely going to have continual turnover. But if you build a company that people want to engage with, that people want to work for in a culture that inspires them, you will get great employees.

For example, here at Wasatch ActionCOACH, part of our company culture is having FUN. We want people to have fun, to enjoy their job and their lives. This supports commitment to the job because we are committed to our employees. You must take the values that are important to the business and the team and put those in the company culture. The values that are important to your customers and the success of your business are also key to building a great company.
Once you have established a great culture and are building your team, look for people with the attitude and mindset that fits your culture. Don’t necessarily focus only on the skills for the job. (Well, maybe at least the minimum skills!) You can always teach those skills to new employees. It’s much more difficult to change a person’s attitude. Lead your job advertisements with your culture. Find the people who will like being there, who will work hard because they believe in what you are doing, what your business is doing for the community. That’s how you build a great team! Build a great culture and then recruit to that culture!
To learn more about building a great company, check out our YouTube channel.
Blog by Coach Frank Bonnin